I’ve just spent an inordinate amount of time writing a zsh prompt:
export PROMPT='%{%(!.$fg[red].$fg[yellow])%}${(r:1:)${(%):-%~}}$([ [ ${(r:1:)${(%):-%~}} != "/" && ${#${(%):-%~}} -gt 1 ]] && echo /) $([[ ${#${(@s:/:)${(%):-%~/a}[2,-1]}} -gt 3 ]] && echo ${(j:/:)${( @r:1:)${(s:/:)${(%):-%~}[2,-1]}[(ws:/:)1,(ws:/:)-3]}}/)$([[ ${#${( @s:/:)${(%):-%~/a}[2,-1]}} -gt 2 ]] && echo ${(@j:/:)${(s:/:)${(%) :-%~}[2,-1]}[-2,-1]})$([[ ${#${(@s:/:)${(%):-%~/a}[2,-1]}} -eq 2 ] ] && echo ${${(s:/:)${(%):-%~}}[-1]})%{%(!.$fg[yellow].$fg[red])%} %(?..%B(%?%)%b)%{$fg[default]%}$ ' export RPROMPT="[%{$fg[yellow]%}%*%{$fg[default]%} on %{$fg[yellow ]%}%D%{$fg[default]%}]" (Remove the line breaks)
Basically, if you put this code in your .zshrc you get a prompt like this (although with better colours):
~/Anthony/Work$ cd imperial/261\ Lab\ 2 [18:31:58 on 10-01-30] ~/A/W/imperial/261 Lab 2$ perl -e 'exit 63' [18:32:09 on 10-01-30] ~/A/W/imperial/261 Lab 2(63)$ [18:33:10 on 10-01-30]
On the left is the current working directory, the exit code of the last command (if not 0), and a $
On the right is the time and date.
The path on the left side abbreviates all but the last two path elements to a single letter (and a lot of esoteric code was required to get this working).
Note: to do this, you need a few extra lines in your .zshrc to set things up:
autoload colors zsh/terminfo colors setopt prompt_subst
Have fun editing your prompt line!
autoload colors zsh/terminfo
setoptĀ autoload colors zsh/terminfo
setopt prompt_subst